
Programi për humbje peshe nga Booties by Apoita
Programi për humbje peshe nga Booties by Apoita


Programi për humbje peshe nga Booties by Apoita

Programi ynë është krijuar për t'ju ndihmuar të humbni peshë dhe të arrini një mënyrë jetese më të shëndetshme. Programi është online me ushtrime HOME BASED. Ushtrimet janë planifikuar 4 ditë në javë për 8 javë. Plan ushqimor për çdo ditë: Mëngjes, drekë, darkë. Programi ynë fokusohet në humbjen graduale dhe të qëndrueshme të peshës, kështu që ju mund ta mbani peshën përgjithmonë. Dhuratë do merrni Resistance bands.
The Booty Bible nga Booties by Apoita


The Booty Bible nga Booties by Apoita

Ky program 6 javor është krijuar në mënyrë strategjike për të rritur, formësuar dhe ngritur muskujt gluteal. Programi është online me ushtrime GYM BASED. Ushtrimet janë planifikuar 3 ditë në javë për 6 javë dhe janë krijuar për të sjellë ndryshime të shpejta. Sigurohuni që të lexoni të gjitha këshillat e mia përpara se të filloni programin. Pasi të keni përfunduar programin, mund ta rinisni atë nga fillimi. Benefitet:
  • Tips për ushqimet që duhet të konsumoni
  • Trup më të tonifikuar
  • Do të krijoni masë muskulare
  • Do të largoni yndyrnat e tepërta nga trupi
*** Ju lutem zgjedhni vetëm "Bank Transfer" si metodë pagese për këtë produkt.
Flex Black Pearl Leggings
Flex Black Pearl Leggings


Flex Black Pearl Leggings

Our Flex leggings are made from soft and stretchy material, making them perfect for any workout routine. Due to the elastic nature of the fabric, the leggings are designed to fit a variety of body types. With a stretchy feel and a super-cozy fit, you'll want them to last forever. They're made from high-quality, moisture wicking fabric that will make you look and feel amazing.
  • Buttery-smooth, lightweight material
  • Wrap waist design
  • Embroidered logo
  • Super soft for maximum comfort
  • Subtle, flattering scrunch bum
Flex Blush Leggings
Flex Blush Leggings


Flex Blush Leggings

Our Flex leggings are made from soft and stretchy material, making them perfect for any workout routine. Due to the elastic nature of the fabric, the leggings are designed to fit a variety of body types. With a stretchy feel and a super-cozy fit, you'll want them to last forever. They're made from high-quality, moisture wicking fabric that will make you look and feel amazing.
  • Buttery-smooth, lightweight material
  • Wrap waist design
  • Embroidered logo
  • Super soft for maximum comfort
  • Subtle, flattering scrunch bum
Memi Smoky Leggings
Memi Smoky Leggings


Memi Smoky Leggings

Our Memi Leggings are made of a super soft, stretchy fabric that shapes the body. They feature a high waistband that hugs your curves and eliminates the need for a belt. They're made from high-quality, moisture wicking fabric that will make you look and feel amazing.
  • High waisted design
  • Embroidered logo
  • Super soft for maximum comfort
  • Subtle, flattering scrunch bum
  • For a more supportive fit, we recommend sizing down
Memi Light Sapphire Leggings
Memi Light Sapphire Leggings


Memi Light Sapphire Leggings

Our Memi Leggings are made of a super soft, stretchy fabric that shapes the body. They feature a high waistband that hugs your curves and eliminates the need for a belt. They're made from high-quality, moisture wicking fabric that will make you look and feel amazing.
  • High waisted design
  • Embroidered logo
  • Super soft for maximum comfort
  • Subtle, flattering scrunch bum
  • For a more supportive fit, we recommend sizing down
Memi Pistachio Leggings
Memi Pistachio Leggings


Memi Pistachio Leggings

Our Memi Leggings are made of a super soft, stretchy fabric that shapes the body. They feature a high waistband that hugs your curves and eliminates the need for a belt. They're made from high-quality, moisture wicking fabric that will make you look and feel amazing.
  • High waisted design
  • Embroidered logo
  • Super soft for maximum comfort
  • Subtle, flattering scrunch bum
  • For a more supportive fit, we recommend sizing down
Memi Blue Moon Leggings
Memi Blue Moon Leggings


Memi Blue Moon Leggings

Our Memi Leggings are made of a super soft, stretchy fabric that shapes the body. They feature a high waistband that hugs your curves and eliminates the need for a belt. They're made from high-quality, moisture wicking fabric that will make you look and feel amazing.
  • High waisted design
  • Embroidered logo
  • Super soft for maximum comfort
  • Subtle, flattering scrunch bum
  • For a more supportive fit, we recommend sizing down